PM Role - An attempt at "visualization"
I have always visualized the PM role as a "bridging" role. When i say bridging it should not be interpreted as "message" forwarding role but a Leadership role. Business decisions are fluid and across different groups when these decisions are being taken there should be "someone" who has to have a holistic view of the product direction and ensure these decisions are aligned with the same. The someone happens to be PM ( If you have read product management related books this situation is used to highlight the fact the PM is similar to the CEO of the product ). So the natural question that arises at this point is can we have a yardstick to check if the decisions are in alignment. The yardstick I think the PM should be using is - " Is this decision aligned with Customer Success " ? - " Is this decision aligned with Product Success " ? As straightforward as the above two questions sound depending on the situation applying the above ques...